Monday, 24 October 2016

New Console feature : Stop Weight


Following customer feedback, we have added a new feature to the console which allows the operator to define a Stop Weight. This is a weight value set against a tank. When the tank weight is at or below this weight OR the dispense you are trying to make will take the weight below this level, the dispense will be prevented until the tank weight is above the Stop Weight.

The main use case for this feature is to provide a “hard stop” to prevent stock from going below an acceptable minimum level. This is useful in scenarios where strict stock control is in place and the stock must never go below a defined amount, generally zero, however there is sometimes the need to ensure there is a minimum amount of stock in the tank that is above zero.

The feature is used as below:

To access the setting, go to the Supply Vessel Contents page (M005), select the desired tank and click Edit. You will see the below screen:


The default value of Stop Weight is not set, which means that dispensing will never be stopped regardless of weight. This behaviour is how the console worked prior to this feature being added.

To set it, just select the field and enter a weight using the on-screen keyboard:


Once this has been set, if an attempt is made to dispense while the tank is below this weight or where the requested dispense amount will take the tank below the set amount, the stop icon will appear in the warning panel:


To proceed with dispensing, go to Supply Vessel Contents page and refill the tank so it is above the Stop Weight level. Dispensing will then be permitted to continue as normal.


This feature is available in version 1.9.34 and higher. If you are under a support contract that includes software updates, you can get this update for free by contacting

If you are not under a support contract, contact for a quote.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Splitting a dispense or issue between multiple jobs

It is sometimes desirable to take a dispense or issue that has been booked against one job and re-allocate part of it against a different job, for instance if there is material left in a press sump that you want to allocate to the next job to run.

Below are instructions to carry out this action:

There are two different options to split a Dispense or Issue.

Split to matched jobs

Will only allow splitting to jobs that have the formulation that was in the dispense or issue.


Will allow booking to any job even if it does not contain the dispensed formulation.

 Clicking either option will summon the below dialog:

You click the Add button to add the jobs and screens that you wish to split the dispense between.

There are 3 options for splitting

Manual – User enters how much should go in each job.

Estimated – Set the weight for each job to the remaining estimated for that job.

Weighted Estimate – Allocate the dispense between selected jobs proportionally based on the estimated requirements for each job.


to remove a job from the dialog.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Changing a Return’s Vessel

By default when you book back a return, the return takes the vessel from the original dispense. In some situations this is not practical, so there is now a feature on CPC that allows you to select the vessel during the return booking in process.

While on the return booking in screen (R003), there is a new button on the left side which allows the operator to cycle through the available dispense vessels, from smallest capacity to largest capacity. The current vessel capacity is displayed at the top of the screen. The selected vessel will be saved as the return’s vessel when pressing the save button.

This feature is available from version 1.9.20, upgrade is free for all customers with a remote support contract. Contact Rexson to arrange an update.