Dispense Summary
The dispense summary can be run over a range of dispenses to provide counts and totals as follows:
Dispense count, total press returns issued, neat ink weight, return issue weight, number of dispenses with returns in them, weight of dispensed returns, weight of returns as % of dispensed weight.
Simple Formula Sheet
The simple formula sheet provides a simple way to get your formulas into an excel spread sheet for analysis. The report gives the composition of all selected formulas.
Job Costing
The job costing report gives a detailed analysis of all inks and returns issued and created in a job. The report can be expanded to include individual materials used. Substrate costs and run length statistics are also taken into account.
Simple Design Sheet
The simple design sheet provides a simple way of analysing the coverage and usage factors of multiple designs simultaneously.
Design Sheet (Design Estimation)
The design sheet provides a method of creating estimations without having to create a job first. Simply enter the run length required and, provided all of you costing, coverage and usage factors are accurate, you will have an estimation for that design.
Usage Reports (Material, Formula, Material Usage By Date)
The material and formula usage reports break down the dispensing history by month. The Material Usage by Date report does the same but allows for custom date ranges to be used where months ends or reporting periods do not correspond to calendar months.
Returns Report
The returns report shows the current return stock, with formula code, weight, cost, strength and date created for each return. Scrapped returns are not shown.
Return Usage Report
The return usage report allows you to view and compare the creation and use of returns over a number of consecutive periods. The periods supported are, Monthly, Weekly and Custom. Monthly and weekly work to calendar periods. Custom uses the entered date range as a whole and does not split over calendar boundaries.
Stock Report
The stock report gives and overview of the total stock levels of each selected material.
Stock Valuation Report
The stock valuation report gives a more detailed view of the stock situation. Tick “Include materials with no weight” to see items that have zero or less than zero stock. Tick “Include obsolete materials” to see stock of materials that have been obsoleted and are no longer available for use.
Material Batch List
The material batch list gives a more detailed view of the materials in stock. The material batch and serial number details are displayed along with the usable weight of each batch. Finished batches are not shown.