Step One - Stock Receipt
- Click ‘Stock Receipt’ on the tool bar.
- Click the drop down arrow in the ‘Material’ box.
- Click the material you have received.
- Tab down to ‘Number of Packs’. This is the number of barrels/IBC’s you have received.
- Enter the number of packs.
- Tab down to ‘Pack Size’. This is the net weight of the product in the barrel/IBC.
- Tab down to ‘Batch Number’.
- Enter batch number.
- Press ‘Save’ bottom right of screen.
- Repeat process if necessary.
Once stock receipt data has been completed, the information will automatically be shared with the console.
STEP TWO - Changing supply vessel
- Press the ‘E’ stop on the console. Locate the empty supply vessel and turn the air supply ball valve off at the pump in question.
- Have the new supply vessel (Barrel/IBC) at hand.
- Remove the caps from the new supply vessel.
- Remove the ‘return tube from the empty supply vessel and place it in the new supply vessel.
- Remove the suction tube from the empty supply vessel and place it in the new supply vessel.
- Remove the empty supply vessel.
- Push the new supply vessel in place.
If your system has cam locks and ball valves please close the valve before removing tubes/hoses.
NOTE: When removing the return and suction tubes from the empty supply vessel be aware that there will be product residue in/on the tube, so be careful not to spill any product on you or the floor.
STEP Three - Enter data
- Enter RFID key.
- Press ‘Materials’ (right of screen)
- Press ‘Vessel Contents’ (Bottom of screen).
- Using arrow keys (bottom right) high light the vessel/material you wish to replenish.
- Press ‘Refill’ (right of screen).
- Press the tab on the right of the ‘Batch’ box.
- A batch list will appear. Using arrow keys (bottom right) High light the batch you want.
NOTE: This batch number must match up with the batch number on the Vessel you are about to place on the pump system.
- Press ‘Select’ (top right).
The screen will change back to the ‘Enter refilled vessel weight when full’. You will notice that the batch number has changed and that you have a new vessel content weight. You will also see that you have an option to ‘Top-up with remnant weight’. This will default to ‘No’. Unless you wish to pour the remnants into the new supply vessel, leave the option as ‘No’ and press save.
- Press ‘Save’
Once you have pressed ‘save’ the ‘Supply vessel contents’ screen will appear.
At this point pull the ‘E’ stop out and re-energise the console by pressing the green power button (top left of the console screen).
- Whilst still on the ‘Supply Vessel Contents’ screen press ‘Recirc’
- Go to the pump station and turn the air supply on to the pump.
- Pump will come on and recirculate the new supply vessel contents for 2 minutes.
This will mix the product and help its fluidity, as the product has been standing for a time without any movement.
If you are part way the through dispensing, you will need to press continue once you have returned to the dispense screen.