Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Import Validation Tool

The tool can be downloaded from here
The Excel template can be downloaded from here
The layout of the tool can be seen as follows:
This tool includes features listed below:
  • Validation of Materials and Formulas in CSV files.
  • Automated validation of Materials and Formulas in Excel files.
  • Detailed error description of invalid records.
  • Generate blank Material and Formula template.
  • Export valid data to CSV files from Excel files.
The list of error messages are listed below:
  • Code missing or too long (maximum 25 characters)
  • Name missing or too long (maximum 50 characters)
  • Missing materials from formulas

Validate from CSV

Press ‘Choose File’ button and choose the CSV file you want to validate. First choose a Material file and the records will be automatically registered. If the materials are not valid then error messages will be displayed. If the materials are all valid then continue the operation pressing the ‘Choose File’ button again to choose the Formula file.
Valid records are displayed in the table ‘Valid Records’ and invalid records are displayed in the table ‘Invalid Records’. When going through the rows of Invalid Record table, you will be able to see the detailed error description underneath the same.

Validate from Excel

Click ‘Choose File’ button and choose the Excel file. This will check if all the records are valid. Valid records are displayed in the table ‘Valid Records’ and Invalid records are displayed in the table ‘Invalid Records’. When an invalid record is selected from the table, you will be able to see the detailed error description below the table.
When all the records are valid, it will ask you to save the Materials and Formulas to a CSV file. Press save to save them in your preferred directory.

Generate File

If you want to create a CSV file with the Materials and Formula file template, click ‘Generate File’ button and save them in your preferred directory.