Thursday, 27 January 2011

Create a design on ColorPoint Manager

Open the designs list. The ‘Add New’ button is below the list on the left. This will open a new blank detail view for the design. If you are creating a design that is similar to or a variation of an existing design it may be quicker to open the existing design and clone it using the ‘Clone Design’ button.

Fill in the details for the design as follows:

  1. Code: a unique code to identify this design, up to 25 characters long. If you try to enter a code that has already been used or that is too long, you will see an error outline in red around the text box.
  2. Name: a description of your design, up to 50 characters long. clip_image002
  3. Attributes may be used if estimations are enabled.
    1. Run Length: The total length of the print run in m (on metric systems). This attribute is not required, but may be added to provide a default value to any job using this design as a template.
    2. Web Width: The width of the print web in mm (on metric systems). This attribute is used as a default for any job using this design as a template and is required for estimations to work. clip_image004
  4. Items: The most important part of the design.
    1. Select formulas to add to the design from the drop down list. Typing into the list will filter the list if you have a large number of formulas.
    2. Click ‘Add Formula’ to add the selected formula to the design. It is quickest to add all the formulas required and then enter the usage factors and coverage values once they are all in the list together.
    3. Select a formula and click ‘Remove Formula’ to remove the formula from the design.
    4. Usage factor is prefilled by the selected cylinder (if a cylinder has been configured with a default usage factor). This value may be overridden if required.
    5. Coverage is the percentage of the surface area of this design that the formula will cover.
    6. Cylinder is the option cylinder to be used on press.
  5. Categories: assign any categories you need.
  6. Files: add any files for supporting information e.g. a .pdf document showing the design.
  7. Notes: it may be a good idea to make a note of why the design was added to the system or changed for future reference.
  8. Substrate: The default substrate for this design. This may be overridden in a job if required.

Save the design.